
You made my
imagination go wild!
3rd grader

The audience was
San Francisco
Asian Art Museum

Author & Artist Visits

Tibetan Tales and Treasures

Arts and Crafts

Picture Books

Creative Writing

You have a
wonderful presence
with the students.
P. Schlosser
Wilkes Elementary

Your presentation was perfect
for the children. They
clearly loved doing the
beautiful mandalas as well.
Rev. P. Palmer
Unity in Marin

I was amazed
at what the
children produced.
J. Medeiros
Eldorado Elementary

Your presentation
was terrific!
P. Jordan
Barnes & Noble

Naomi presents her programs in schools, libraries, museums, bookstores, spiritual centers, and other venues throughout the United States.

Programs are easily customized for your specific situation, age group, and audience size.

Her programs are enjoyed by children, families, as well as all-adult audiences.

Naomi is happy to work with you to make her programs affordable for your budget.

Tibetan Tales and Treasures

Tibet’s Enchanting Culture!
Tibetan Ways of Peace!
An Ancient Wisdom!

The audience was mesmerized!
A.Wyckoff, SF Asian Art Museum

Naomi arrives in a Tibetan costume with a basketful of Tibetan treasures and stories to tell.

* Watch Tibetan prayer wheels spin!
* Experience a Tibetan prayer bell!
* Sing Tibetan chants!
* See photos of Tibet, Mt. Everest, Yaks, Tibetan children!

You’re raising the vibration of our school, one classroom at a time!
4th grade teacher

More on Tibetan Tales and Treasures

Watch Naomi tell a story

Listen to Naomi on Green Knees Children’s Radio

Tibetan Art projects

What a wonderful world it would be if every art class was like the one we had with you! Art Teacher, Elementary School



Peace Flags

and more!

All to the sounds of Tibetan music.

More on Art Projects

Poems, Stories, and Books




Picture Books
More on Writing and Book Projects

Notable Appearances

Barnes and Nobles, Borders, East West Books, and many more

New York Public Library, San Francisco Public Library, and many more

Elementary schools:
Numerous schools including ones in New York, Seattle, and Portland

Art Schools:
Parsons School of Design, Northwest College of Art

Oakland Children’s Museum, Children’s Museum of Manhattan, San Francisco Asian Art Museum

Spiritual Centers:
Spirit Rock, Tibet House, NW Tibetan Culture Center, Sakya Monastery, Seattle Shambhala Center, Unity Churches

Projects based on Tibetan art.
For children 5 years and up.
All to the sounds of Tibetan chanting and music.

I was amazed at the intense focus of my students,
considering the lack of enthusiasm some had for school.

J. Medeiros, Eldorado Elementary

I certainly found your presentation to be perfect for the children. They
clearly loved doing the beautiful mandalas as well.

Rev. P. Palmer, Youth Minister, Unity in Marin

Mask Making Peace Flags

Peace Stones Mandalas

Protectors, Goddesses, Yaks, Yetis, and more!
Tibetan Mask Making

My son’s nightmares went away after he hung his Mahakhala mask in his room to scare away the things that frighten him. We’re now enjoying uninterrupted sleep. Thanks!

Parent of 2nd grader

Based on Tibetan masks and Tibetan imagery.
Naomi brings wonderful photos of Tibetan masks as well as a real one to show students.

Basic materials:

Mask templates (Very inexpensive: Naomi can order for you.)
Crayons and/or markers
Construction paper
Pipe Cleaners
Glitter / Glitter glue sticks
Masking tape
String or yarn to tie the mask on

Other fun materials can include:

Pom poms
Scraps of cloth and other fun material
Yarn, especially browns, reds, and blacks.
Other doodads.

Sending wishes for peace and goodwill into the World

Based on Tibetan prayer flags.
Naomi brings a variety of peace flags to show as well as photos.

Students create designs on strips of cloth using paint or markers to express their personal wish for the world using symbols, images, and words.

Naomi presents symbols from various traditions and cultures, including the crane, the windhorse, elk heart, and more.

For more information, see Press Clips on Peace Flag Project

Peace Flag materials:

Squares of cloth (Approximate dimensions: 9″ X 9″ — they don’t have to be perfect squares. In fact rectangles work, too.)

For more clean cut flags: Operation Cooperation Classroom Quilt from Oriental Trading Company has squares and ribbon and holes already in the squares. These work beautifully, although they’re a bit small for older kids.

Paint and/or markers
String for hanging
Fabric glue
Masking tape
It’s very handy to have boards to tape the cloth onto so it stays flat and even while being painted/drawn on.

Make a Mandala
Expressing Your Wish for the World

Based on Tibetan mandalas.
Naomi brings wonderful photos and explains the fascinating construction of Tibetan sand mandalas.

Showing completed mandalas at Insight Meditation Center, May 2010

Two approaches:

1. For younger children:
Color and glitter mandala coloring sheets

2. For older children:
Construct mandalas with construction paper and other materials.

Materials for using mandala color sheets:
Copies of the color sheets (originals provided by Naomi)
Crayons and/or markers
Glitter glue
Sheets of construction paper (to mount completed mandala)

Materials for constructing your own mandala:
Stencils for circles, squares, and triangles (Naomi can help supply these.)
Construction paper, lots of colors
Markers, colored pencils, pastels, etc.

Create a special stone of peace!

Based on Tibetan mani stones.
Naomi brings a real mani stone to show students as well as photos.

Use Tibetan imagery and words
or create your own image and words.

A wonderful item children love to hold in their hands.


Special modeling clay or actual stones.

* The Art of Illustration

* Making Picture Books

* Stories that Sing

* Poetry Forms

Contact Naomi
to schedule
your program

From Educators, Librarians, Booksellers, and More:

“You are an engaging storyteller and knowledgable host. The audience was mesmerized by your words and captivated by your images.” Allison Wyckoff, San Francisco Asian Art Museum

“You were wonderful with a very appreciative group of mostly inner city kids.” Tim Troy, San Francisco Public Library

“Your strong presentation to the eighty third, fourth, and fifth graders was lively and fun. The story gave rise to a great discussion.” Brian Jaeger, McGilvra Elementary

“Your presentation was great and inspirational. I’ve found in past years that the most memorable events for the students are visits from professionals like yourself who share with them their experiences.” Pat Cummings, Parsons School of Design

“The students really loved your presentation.”
Mary Thompson, Beacon Hill Elementary

“Thank you so very much for coming to Concord. We really appreciated you sharing your book, stories, knowledge and interest with our kids. I’ve had three kids come to the library after your presentation asking for books about Tibet.” Mindy Terr, Concord Librarian

“Thank you for a lovely presentation that showed our children that a culture exists that is based on kindness, respect and love. Your art and stories continue to be appreciated at Raleigh Hills School.” Colleen J. Miller, Principal, Raleigh Hills Elementary School

“I must say that I certainly found your presentation to be perfect for the children. They clearly loved doing the beautiful mandalas as well. I am so glad that you came to Unity! The artifacts and slides and your books and stories gave a wonderful introduction to Tibet. You retained their interest and kept the content moving. I think it was one of the best Sundays we’ve had for our youth and little ones.”Pat Palmer, Youth and Family Ministry, Unity In Marin

“You were such a pleasure to watch and listen to. Your stories are amazing. Thank you for taking the time to create such a wonderful gift for all of us!” Brock Daniels, Barnes and Nobles

“Your presentation was just terrific… several people commented to me the next day of how much they especially loved yours.” Page Jordan, Barnes and Nobles

“The children enjoyed the presentation and throughout the day were reading the books they purchased.” Rachel Eden, MA, Wilkes Elementary

From the parents:

“My son made a Mahakhala mask with you to scare away nightmares and things that scare him and his brother in the night. Since that mask went up on their wall, neither child has been in our room needing comfort!! Prior to that I had him in my room at least once per week needing to be comforted. We are loving the uninterrupted sleep!”

“When I arrived home after your school visit to my child’s class, he ran into the garage, opened the car door, grinned and chanted Om Mani Padme Hum. It was a special moment for us and we hugged. A month later when he was having a hard day, we stopped and chanted together. It really helped. Thanks!”

From the kids:

“It was fun learning about Tibet.”

“I enjoyed your Tibet stories. I learned a lot.”

“Thank you for teaching me and my class the Tibetan chant.”

“I love your book because it was very strong and the pictures were great. Stories were strong because they had important things to say. They also make my imagination go wild.”

“Your book was really interesting. Now I want to go to Tibet someday.”
“I thought your book was the most amazing folklore book in the world.”

“I really liked it when you showed us slides of Tibet.”

“Thank you for letting us chant with you.”

“I liked your costume. It was beautiful.”

“I liked the Tibetan things you brought.”

“I wish you could come again.”

Check List for Naomi’s Visits

1. Provide Naomi with directions to your place, parking, and where to go when she arrives.

2. Make necessary arrangements for Naomi to set up at least 30 minutes ahead of time.

3. Equipment: (Let Naomi know if you have difficulty providing any of these)
– Powerpoint projector
– Laptop (Naomi can bring hers is you prefer.)
– Screen – Necessary power/extension cords
– Microphone (For large groups or rooms with poor acoustics. Stands are helpful for hand
helds. Clip ons preferred when possible.)
– CD Player

4. Furniture: Medium table or desk for displaying Tibetan treasures. Podium, if applicable.

5. If an art project is included, see specific art project for materials list.

6. If you’d like a flyer on Taste of Tibet to distribute, let Naomi know.

7. Schools:
– Inform Naomi of any subjects you’d like her to be sure to cover.
– Naomi will provide book order forms ahead of time so she can sign books when she visits.
– Use study guide below to help prepare younger students.

Study Guide

Help children get more out of Taste of Tibet by preparing them with the following:

1. What continent is Tibet located in? Asia
2. What is the tallest mountain range in the world? Himalayas
3. What is the tallest mountain? Mt.Everest
4. How tall is this mountain? Over 29,000 feet
5. What is a yak? Shaggy-haired ox of the Himalayas